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Jumat, 11 Juni 2010

Women Love Their Shoes - Now That's a Fact

As far as I remember, the shoes are a big part of my world. I remember about my mother singing in the shoe, like a child ... I ran across the road straight for the shoe department. If someone else based on video games, I have a shoe based on new purchases. I'll be a shoe in the window like a dog toy dreams full treatment.

Daily, look at me fantasize about the foundation ... only changes for some shoes.

You must understand - women's shoes are made for part of the dream. Women's shoes offer the freedom of expression ... Freedom of spirit, even though every other part of standard equipment and boring. Women's shoes are "alone" is the clothes! Shoes can be practical, fun, style, appliances or just boring, but most support is an indication of personal style.

I'm definitely more risky style of nature ... Stiletto is a staple in my wardrobe. I once had a professor, I would never seriously in a work that does not need to be sworn in my clothes, but I think my shoes are a big topic of conversation, and all the icebreaker in many business meetings!

Although a certain sense, the social stigma with stilettos that tower over the four-inch mark, I find myself at home in any of the companies associated with the fit is very short jeans skirt ... All are paired with beautiful costumes brought together!

Next time you walk through the part of women's shoes, visit each pair as the ability to speak volumes. Maybe you will not hear that so is the shoe, but they will on an unsuspecting woman who happened on this day to talk shop. They will talk tough on him ... Call him by name, perhaps.

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